Friday, September 25, 2009

Zachary and Kindergarten

Zachary has been in Kindergarten for an entire month already I can't believe it. So far he has done very well. Only 1 trip to the school nurse so far and no missed days of school. He is LOVING being in all day school although he comes home pretty tired most days. Our biggest issue is that he won't eat his lunch and it doesn't matter what we give him he just won't eat. So far he has lost about 1.5 pounds which is not a lot but on Zach every ounce counts. So we are fighting that battle with him. He says he's not hungry but I can't imagine him going all day and not getting hungry. So we will have to see what they say when he goes into the CF Clinic in a couple weeks. Maybe they will have an idea that we haven't tried yet.

1 comment:

Sherrie said...

Good Lookin Boy you have there! Glad he is enjoying school. How is his mom doing? :)