Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Finally We Have An Appointment For Zach

So everyone knows the struggles we have had with keeping Zach healthy. Trust me when I say it is a full time job. We have been trying for probably close to a year to get him into one of the Pediatric Gastro Doctors up at Primary Children's. The way that they schedule is they have one day a month you can call and leave a message to get an appointment. If you are lucky you get an appointment, if you are not you are just told to call back the next month on a certain day. ( Also they never have the scheduling on the same day so you have to keep track of what day they say to call back for that month). So today is my lucky day!!! They actually just called me and we finally have an appointment for September 2ND at 9:00 AM. Now I have to hope and pray that maybe we will finally start getting some answers as to what this kid really has. We have had diagnosis from anything to-- mom is just babying him, ( Yes I like cleaning up diahrea and vomit), to Irritable Bowl Syndrome maybe, Chrones Disease maybe, and several others that I can not even remember the names of right now. So here goes another try and I know this time we are actually going to get some answers and not just it might be this or it might be that. So I will let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Yeah!!! I am glad you finally have an appointment. Let's hope and pray they finally figure out what is going on with Zach's body. He is such a cute boy!

I'm so glad you are my friend! I love you guys!!!