Monday, May 26, 2008

Where Have My Little Kids Gone?

So this is the last week of school for my kids. In some ways that is a relief-- no more homework, no more driving to and from Murray twice a day, no more worrying about if they have lunch money or if I have anything to make them for lunch. So those are all a plus. The down side they are going to be home all DAY!!!! Ryan officially graduates from Elementary School on Friday. I can't believe he is going to be in Junior High. Zach graduated from preschool last Thursday. I am a horrible mom, I didn't even take any pictures. Luckily he is going to be in preschool again next year so I get a redo on the picture thing. Emalee is finishing her last week of 1st grade and is not really looking forward to 2nd grade. Here we go again with her. She is my kid that doesn't like change. I used to think when people told me to enjoy them it goes fast what do they know. Well they did know and it does go by way to fast.


Jennifer Tanner said...

I totally know what you mean. Gabby is finishing her sophomore year. MyKayla is finishing 3rd grade and Benjamin will enter kindergarten in the fall. Glad to hear that all is well.

Love, Jennifer T.

Btflgal said...

I totally LOVE it! I was just thinking that too.... So why don't the Grahams have a blog. Its about the only way I hear about you guys... Can't count on Mike, all my info from him is second hand!

Dad said...

Very cute -- so now that you have this extra time on your hands what are you planning on doing with it?

Maybe sit down and have a cool drink, or soak in the in-laws’ pool?

As a domestic engineer myself, I know for a fact that, once you find the time, you can always find a few shortcuts to increase it.

Trust me; I have been at this business for many a year now. I raised two kids, ran to dancing, hockey arenas, baseball -- both girl and boy types, plus still found the secret to life.

With the next couple of months off, enjoy yourself. Caution is also needed so that you keep yourself up and ready for the upcoming season, which will be harder than the past and will definitely test your household managerial skills.

Now on the topic of money: Having the children home all day should allow you to be able to cut a few costs -- such as by sending the kids to the neighbors each day at lunch time so they feel guilty and feed them. Have them to set up a stand in the front yard and sell off the husband’s tools and hobby stuff. After lunch, invite the other kids in the neighborhood over and let them pull weeds and cut the grass, and most of all, convince them that they’re having the best summer of their lives.

Now, just around the dinnertime, throw everyone in the car and it’s off to baseball and dancing, followed by just a quick stop by Gramma’s and Grampa’s house for a quick swim. This eliminates the need for showers; and while on your way there casually let it slip that Grandma and Grandpa just might have ice cream, or some kind of great snack, which will be much better, than you would give them if you were to stop by the corner store,

Also, on evenings when you know that the kids don’t have any activities, encourage them to call their friends and invite themselves over for a sleepover (at their houses) -- this is always a winner.

Wow -- the day is just about over and all you had to do was keep a schedule and make damn sure it was followed.

The reason I know all this information is I’m your dad, your grandpa, and most of all a domestic engineer myself.
Cute Blog. Now, with all the information I just gave you, there should be no reason why you don’t have time to keep it up!!

Bye! Love you always --